Voters have asked and we are answering! When meeting voters, our candidates get asked the same questions over and over so we thought it would be helpful to provide some answers. Don't see your question? Send us a message and ask!
What is your stance on library books?
Our candidates do not support book bans. Our pillars of Transparency and Parents as Partners address issues related to library books and curriculum. In terms of transparency, our candidates believe that parents and taxpayers deserve to have access to academic outcomes, teacher training materials, curriculum, library books, finances, and safety plans without delay or costly legal reviews. Likewise, our candidates believe that parents are essential partners in their child’s education and that parental engagement is fundamental to a child’s educational success. We believe that parents should have the right to opt their own child out of library books or curriculum that they do not want their child to access or view.
Where does your campaign money come from?
Our pillars of Transparency and Fiscal Accountability extend to our own campaign finance reports. Our reports are on file with Chester County Voter Services and are available for the public to view at 610 Westtown Road. Every dollar we have raised has come from donors that the Back to Basics team knows personally! Between January-May 2023, we have raised over $15k from 66 individual donors who make up the bulk of our funding. We are grateful for every check, be it for $10 or $1000 because your checks reflect that you stand with us on the importance transparency.​ Back to Basics West Chester thanks the local political committees who have helped our hard-working school board candidates by donating to their campaigns.
We have worked hard at running a clean campaign and we are proud of our fundraising efforts.
Do you support LGBTQ+ students?
Yes. Our School Safety pillar covers LGBTQ+ students because our candidates believe that all students deserve to feel safe, supported, and valued at school.