If you've ever posted in a public or private group about anything related to WCASD, then it's likely that you've been monitored by school district personnel. The below screen shots were obtained via RTK and show that the WCASD Superintendent was receiving screenshots (often in real time) about what parents were saying about the district. WCASD Parent Chat, HELLOWESTCHESTERPA.COM, Let them Play PA, West Chester PA Moms, and Moms4Liberty are just a few of the groups that were being monitored by the WCASD Communications Office.
Keep in mind that some of these groups are private (such as the distribution list and meeting agenda for Moms4Liberty), and some include a wider readership than just our school district (such as Let Them Play PA, and HelloWestChesterPA and West Chester Moms) yet our school district is paying their communications team to comb through posts and private distribution lists to gather intel on what WCASD parents were saying.
When the school board voted last month to hire an additional Communications Technician (see pages 2, 126, and 134) for $47,840 to $68,640 (see page 37) did anyone think that the district was hiring this person to spy on parents?!
Is this how we want our tax dollars to be utilized?