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  • Writer's pictureRachel Langan

Is WCASD looking at the effects of chronic absenteeism and academics?

We know that WCASD students (particularly minority and identified students, see page 19 of this board document) experienced high rates of absenteeism during remote/hybrid schooling in 2020 and 2021. (See a visual representation of this data here.)

But is chronic absenteeism still an issue at WCASD? Has our board looked into this?

Unfortunately, the only way to get this information is via Right to Know request.

Back to Basics believes that WCASD needs to be more transparent, presenting information to the public without delay and without cost. Until then, we will have to rely on national data to draw conclusions about how absenteeism may be affecting academics here in West Chester.

Research tells us that 2 out of 3 high school students attend schools with high chronic absenteeism. How does WCASD fit into these national numbers? (Spoiler alert: we won't know until our board members get elected and start digging into the data.)

Vote for Back to Basics candidates by mail-in ballot or in person on November 7th!


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