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  • Writer's pictureRachel Langan

Districts looking to fight learning loss should invest in getting students back in class.

The link between dismal results and absenteeism suggests districts looking to fight learning loss should invest in getting students back in class. Read the full article here.

We know that absenteeism in WCASD was a problem during Covid and we know that learning loss resulted, and students continue to struggle, years later.

One thing we don't hear our school board discussing is absenteeism, particularly as it relates to academic progress.

We know from research that students who are chronically absent are less likely to master reading by the end of third grade and more likely to drop out of high school.

Common sense and considerable research suggest that students perform better academically when they show up for school regularly. Districts looking to close the learning gaps that emerged during COVID would do well to invest in the sort of evidence-based strategies that can bring students back to school.


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