Today's Daily Local article shows that WCASD has reached a crisis point when it comes to school safety. Failure to address misbehavior at school is leading to escalation of violence and this is spilling out into the community.
After speaking with voters, we added School Safety to our foundational pillars earlier this month. See posts here, here, here, and here.
Voters: we HEAR YOU and we are committed to school safety right alongside you.
Is the current school board* hearing you on safety issues?
Is your school principal hearing you on safety issues?
We hear you and we stand with you.
*Three current school board members (Bevilacqua, Durnell, Herrmann) are up for reelection. If they aren't working now to keep your kids safe, then they don't deserve to be reelected.
A vote for our candidates is a vote for safe schools.
Elect Robert Rafetto & Nick Spangler
Elect Amanda Greenberg & Peggy Schmitt
Elect Alain Oliver
Mail-in ballots will be accepted starting May 2nd or you can vote in person on May 16th.