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  • Writer's pictureRachel Langan

A New Day, Same Old WCASD

Today's post begins the same way yesterday's post ended:

We have fought the good fight, finished the race, and remained faithful to our cause. Thank you for standing with us.

We have lost the race. All seats. Every region. Though it's not for lack of trying! Our campaign was nearly two years in the making and has more hours behind it than any school board race in the state.

But it was not enough.

Although we lost the race, we gained new perspectives, met new people, and forged new relationships. What started out as work has turned into friendship. It has truly been an honor to work alongside each candidate and volunteer who cheered us on and supported us every step along the way.

We are enormously proud of the work we've done and the race we've won.

To our Super Volunteers (you know who you are), we are grateful and have been blessed by your generosity (and baklava).

To our candidates:

Amanda, you won a place in all of our hearts with your kindness and compassion. Your tenaciousness pushed us to accomplish more than we could have without you. We will miss seeing your car covered in campaign signs!

Alain, you always bring much-needed levity and clarity at the moments when we need it most. We will miss you covering your ears in attempt to block out Peggy's sports updates. You'll be able to watch the Eagles in peace from now on!

Bob, thank you for stepping up to help in big and small ways. You have driven more miles than all of us put together as you faithfully took on the job of managing the campaign signs. Your dedication in this area allowed the rest of us to focus on our family priorities and we all owe you a huge "thanks" for that. We are going to miss seeing the dancing pencil in your yard!

Nick, your kind heart and gentle nature has blessed our team. Your ability to ask hard questions, while also demonstrating compassion, has strengthened our team. We are going to miss your wisdom. Beth was our campaign leader but you were our life leader. (I might have to call you when I have a problem to solve because you give the best advice.)

Peggy, your ability to be vulnerable one minute, and then get fired-up about campaigning the next minute has helped us to remember why we decided to run, and then gave us the fire to go out and accomplish our objectives. We're going to miss you gifting us with all types of plants, but we will not miss you torturing Alain with updates about the Phillies and Eagles scores!


Alain, Amanda, Peggy, Nick, and Bob

1 Comment

Nov 08, 2023

Many thanks to all of the hardworking candidates for their blood, sweat and tears to make a better quality of life for us and our children. To all of the volunteers and to the Pioggios for communicating and organizing the Republican effort. It was indeed a pleasure and honor to meet everyone at the Hershey’s Mill Candidate event and at the School board introduction.

Respectfully to all,

Dennis Gallagher

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