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  • Writer's pictureRachel Langan

A Closer Look at Learning Loss

Looking in the rearview mirror, it's clear to see that remote learning was a failure.

Did you know that back in 2020-21, parents were sounding the alarm bell on this issue? These parents were ignored, disparaged, and bullied by district administration for asking questions and speaking out.

A parent asked the superintendent for data on student performance during remote learning and was refused, so the parent submitted a RTK to get the data.

The data was shocking and a parent created a series of slides (clearly stating that the data was obtained via RTK from WCASD) to illustrate the findings. Parents asked for a meeting with the superintendent (Dr. Scanlon). But the meeting turned into an ambush: a Zoom call with 28 participants (including parents, the superintendent, assistant superintendent, school board members, district office personnel, and several building principals) where the superintendent stated that the data* was false, and then proceeded to chastise and vilify these parents for spreading misinformation.

Dr. Scanlon did not even recognize his own data*.

At this point, this author lost all confidence in the WCASD school district.

*The data was presented to the Education Committee later that month but was NOT discussed at the board meeting at the end of January. The Education Committee failed to alert the rest of the board members about the level of learning loss that was occurring during remote and hybrid schooling in fall 2020.


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